Council leaders to ask Scottish Government for more money to avoid bin strikes

Unions have warned ministers to act to end looming bin strikes after council leaders voted to ask the Scottish Government for more money.

Cosla, which represents Scotland’s local authorities, agreed the decision at an emergency meeting today (24 July).

It comes as waste and recycling workers across the majority of councils threaten a “stinking summer” as Unite, GMB and Unison rejected the latest 3.2% pay offer.

Similar strikes in 2022 and 2023 were resolved after the Scottish Government intervened with additional funding.

Unions have welcomed Cosla’s decision, however they said it has not come soon enough.

An improved offer of 5.2%, or £1,290, for the lowest paid workers could be enough to prevent industrial action, Unite has said.

Graham McNab, industrial officer at Unite, said: “Unite has been calling for discussions involving the trade unions, the Scottish Government and Cosla for months now so we welcome all efforts that bring everyone together in order to find ways which can break through the current impasse.”

Cosla resources spokesperson Councillor Katie Hagmann said it had been agreed to raise the issue with the Scottish Government.

She said: “We are disappointed the Scottish Joint Council (SJC) trade unions have chosen to reject the revised pay offer made on July 18.

"This offer of 3.2% over 12 months is at the absolute limit of affordability for councils, given the extremely challenging financial situation local government is facing.

“We believe this offer, which is above inflation, is fair, strong and credible.

"There is no more money available within existing council budgets to fund an increased offer without unacceptable and damaging cuts to jobs and services.

“Cosla remains committed to continuing negotiations towards finding a solution as quickly as possible, seeking to avoid industrial action and its damaging impact on our communities."

A Scottish Government spokesperson said: “Local government pay negotiations are a matter for local authorities as employers and unions.

“The Scottish Government urges all parties involved to work together constructively and reach an agreement which is fair for the workforce and affordable for employers.

"Any request for a meeting will be considered carefully when received.”

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