Douglas Ross challenges First Minister and Labour leader to debate on future of North Sea oil and gas industry

Douglas Ross has written to Humza Yousaf and Anas Sarwar challenging them to a debate on the future of the North Sea oil and gas industry.

The Scottish Conservative leader is calling on his SNP and Labour counterparts to agree to the proposal first suggested by Aberdeen and Grampian Chamber of Commerce.

He believes a debate is essential to provide clarity for North-East communities on the plans of Scotland’s three main parties for an industry which supports around 100,000 jobs.

Mr Ross said: “The North Sea oil and gas industry is crucial not just to the 100,000 skilled workers it employs – predominantly in the North-East – but to Scotland’s entire economy and energy security.

“That’s why I’m urging Humza Yousaf and Anas Sarwar to join me in a debate on the future of the sector, which has a key role to play in a just and managed transition to net zero.

“Behind the desperate spin and counter-spin of the SNP and Labour, the reality is both parties want to turn off the taps in the North Sea now – and only the Scottish Conservatives are standing up for the jobs of skilled workers in the North-East.

“Humza Yousaf has some nerve criticising Keir Starmer’s reckless plans, when the SNP have a presumption against all new North Sea developments, opposed Rosebank and Cambo and were the first party to propose a windfall tax.

“The SNP leader even gave a speech in New York calling for Scotland to cease being the oil and gas capital of Europe.

“So for Humza Yousaf to try to pass himself off as a friend of the North-East is an insult to the intelligence of those who live there."

In response, an SNP Spokesperson said: “The First Minister will be delighted to debate the energy future of the North East and Scotland in Aberdeen, and promote our proud record of defending jobs and communities.

"Between them, Tory and Labour governments at Westminster have squandered £400 billion of North Sea revenues and invested not a single penny for long-term benefit.

“The Tories have a long and dishonourable record of throwing industries and communities in Scotland on the scrap heap – from coal and steel to fishing – and Labour have dumped their green prosperity plan.

"The SNP Government, by contrast, is pledged to deliver a just transition for the North East, backed up by our £500 million Just Transition Fund.”

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