New campaign aims to keep Stonehaven tidy

One of the new posters at Stonehaven's seafront. Image: Aberdeenshire Council

Community groups are uniting to keep Stonehaven litter-free this summer.

Plastic Free Stonehaven is joining forces with Stonehaven Town Centre Improvement Group to reduce plastic waste in the town.

During the summer months, Stonehaven is a popular destination for tourists and visitors from across the UK and further afield.

As a result, a total of 748.8 tonnes of litter was collected by Aberdeenshire Council from bins within the town centre and seafront last year, which was an increase on previous years.

Plastic Free Stonehaven has created a new poster campaign to tackle the issue.

The posters encourage members of the public to ensure they place their rubbish securely into one of the many litter bins positioned along Stonehaven seafront or take it home to recycle.

Stonehaven councillor and chair of the Kincardine and Mearns Area Committee, Cllr Sarah Dickinson, said: “Overflowing bins and people dropping food also contributes to the increase in seagulls along our coastline becoming more aggressive and snatching food out of people’s hands.

"We can all help reduce the amount of food available and stop them foraging by simply not feeding them, keeping food out of sight and disposing of our litter properly.

"Our message this summer is simple - if you are visiting Stonehaven this year, please help to keep it clean and tidy.”

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